I started counting sleeps at the 210 day mark. Unfortunately, I haven’t had as much sleep as I would have liked… for me, and all the other humans on the planet. What the Pluto has happened? I can’t mention Italy and everyone wants to talk about a flu strain.
I’m going to get my eyes on some history and art and everyone is talking cancellation. What a time we live in!
As I’ve been saying all along… nothing is going to stop me from fulfilling this dream. I’m off to Rome and Florence and I was thinking Bolzano and north. But maybe to Dubrovnik, after Florence.
I will find a way to stay healthy, although I usually come down with something after a long plane ride. Indeed, I’m more worried about the flight plans than everyday hanging out with the very old architecture and some italian language in my ears.
Architecture… I was thinking about it again. At the moment, I’m living in a brand new development. Indeed I’m going to be living in an even newer phase, across the street, that is yet even a hole in the ground. It is no wonder I am fascinated with the old, with the feeling of stone and marble and granite.